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Living with Stress
Marta Merajver-Kurlat

Living with Stress: By Marta Merajver-Kurlat
Cover by Nigel Holmes [Full Cover]

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ISBN13: 978-1-934978-19-1 ISBN10: 1-934978-19-1

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“This is the first book of a series intended to provide readers with tools to help them address life issues using self-knowledge. Explaining notions that are much discussed but infrequently explored, the series offers insight and practical advice for achieving meaningful changes. Making use of well-proven techniques, Living with Stress discusses the ways in which we perceive the world and how different personality types can successfully deal with endogenously and exogenously induced stress. Together with the upcoming Improving Personal Relations and Why Can’t I Make Money? the series covers a significant range of problems that afflict contemporary human life. An attractive bonus to the ideas discussed in the books is the possibility of personal contact with the author through the www.bibliotreatment.com web site.


Marta Merajver-Kurlat is an Argentine novelist, translator, essayist, and biographer. Her attraction to the ways in which mankind tells its own history encouraged her to undertake studies in myths, language, literature, psychology, and psychoanalysis. Accordingly, her novels Just Toss the Ashes and Los gloriosos sesenta y después delve into intriguing aspects of human nature. She currently holds a permanent seminar on Tragedy and is a guest lecturer at APA (Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina) and EFBA (Escuela Freudiana de Buenos Aires).







Gracias por la Muerte

Jost Toss the Ashes

Argentna: An Economic Chronicle

Luz de Vitral

SeaSick. Gloria Nagy

Theatrum Anatomicum

To War in a Red Subaru

Improving Personal Relationships

Why I Can't Make Money

Reading for Personal Development


La Decepción

American Suite